"And then, I see your face"
I see your face... And I can't even put into words. I Melt. And I fly. And I crash down when I realise that there's two screens between us. And oceans and mountains and castles. Thousands of miles apart, and I can't stand it when that thought hits me. Like a tonne of bricks.
And then... I see your face.
I'm a romantic. You all know that.
And I've had people tell me, now, and in the past, that I need to take time for me after a break up.
Time to find myself again.
And you're not wrong.
I've met someone.
And my world is spinning on a different axis.
I've met someone who, in such a short space of time, knows me better than anyone else (and that's not an exaggeration).
New relationship energy? Perhaps. But we're yet to actually be in the same physical space. And yes, of course my mind floods with what ifs.
But then... I see his face.
Or I hear his voice.
Or I get a message.
And I'm brought back to how I feel.
And it's magical.
I never thought I'd meet someone who ticks so many boxes.
Are there red flags? Probably, yes, for both of us.
But we talk through ALL OF IT. We acknowledge issues when they comes up. We communicate, together. And if that ain't hashtagcouplegoals I don't know what is.